10:30a; but you can grab a morning snack and coffee starting at 9:30a
Wear whatever makes you feel comforatable. Some people will be more formal and others will be more casual. We don't care what you wear, just come as you are.
On Sundays we have a childcare center for ages 6 months-4 years old.
We often have things for younger elementry ages during the service, but those are on hold for the moment because of Covid Guidelines.
On Wednesday nights we offer a variety of opportunities.
Reformed is the tradition that we come from, but you will see that we have many things in common with other traditions. We trace our theological history from John Calvin directly, but the other Reformers were Luther and Zwingli. We actually have more in common than we have different. We will not argue theological differences, but rather we will celebrate where we are alike.
I assume we are thinking money right now. Because we know everyone has something to offer.
For our guests you are not expected to give unless you feel like doing so.
We do give the opportunity to partner with us in mission for those who have bought in.
We offer that in two ways.
One way is financial. You can give online by clicking: GIVE or we have a deposit box at church.
The second way is offering of your talents and gifts. There are many ways to volunteer and help us with various projects, service opportunities, and various other ways to help us bless our community.